Friday, March 27, 2009

Empathy for Zoo Animals

So sometimes I feel a bit like a zoo animal whose only purpose in life is to be stared at. I have gotten better at ignoring stares, but sometimes it is just out of hand! For example, a couple days ago Sam and I went to the supermarket (as most normal people do), and while Sam was upstairs getting some stuff, I stayed on the first floor to buy fruit and veggies (weird, I know). There was a man who worked there sweeping floors who was totally enthralled by me. He would stand and stare as I picked out my produce. And it wasn't like he stood and stared from afar off -- he stood about 3 feet from me and moved when I moved. So as I picked my bananas, he was there. I moved to get potatoes, he was there. He never spoke to me although I asked what was up once (he didn't answer, just kept staring). When Sam returned, the man was not deterred -- just kept watching me. Its not like he was creepy or anything, I just think he thought I was quite the novelty -- such a strange creature in his grocery section!! We are told here frequently that meeting us is "fate" (the guy who cut my hair was sure it was fate; the man at a table near ours thought it was fate that we sat near each other (he then wanted to buy us a beer, and did, even though we told him we would not drink it); cab drivers, other passengers on the bus, etc. all feel meeting us is truly a providential experience!). I suppose it could be fate, but I don't really see the "fate" part from our end -- to us they are just more curious Chinese people who feel the cosmos intended us to somehow be a part of their destiny!


Laura said...

You have such a way of putting things:) haha

Liz Wilcken said...

Hey!!! Just discovered your blog!

I'm guessing you must be fulfilling something they all got in their fortune cookies or something. There's only so many things you can put in a fortune cookie. They probably say, "You'll see a cute pregnant American woman, and she has the light that will give you eternal happiness" or something ;)

If you'd like access to our private blog, email me at

Good luck with the mosquitos. I had a camp leader teach me that if you took the vitamin B12 steadily for at least 2 weeks, it makes your skin smell bad to the mosquitoes--but not to humans--and if you keep on taking it, you don't get bitten. Don't know how much you have to take, but I'm guessing not a huge amount. Sure enough, in our swampy land of NC for camp, she didn't get bitten AT ALL!!!

Tawny said...

HAHAHA! Love it! They must think you're beautiful people. And they're right!

Mandy said...

Andrew and I think it's fate that we met you too! I found your blog and figured I would let you know I'm reading it :) GREAT PICTURES!!!! And Congratulations on the baby. Are you planning on delivering in China?

shan1420 said...

I think it's fate I met you too. I'm glad the stars aligned correctly so i could meet you two! heheheheh ;)

Teresa said...

Chris experienced the same thing in Bangladesh. People are not shy at all about staring. Now that our little foreign adventure has come to a close, I will have to get my kicks out of reading your blog! We drove by our Wymount apartment the other day (we can't move back in until the end of the semester) and I was so sad looking up at your apartment and knowing you guys were not there. We miss you!